Birdwatching in Quindío

Birdwatching in Quindío

Places ideal for bird-watching in Quindío and the Coffee Region in Colombia

Ave Barranquero en el Quindío Colombia
America is the continent that has more countries rich in bird biodiversity, Colombia is one of them, is the number one in having more birds around 1,876 and with almost 70 species of endemic birds located in the third place in South America after Of Brazil and Peru.

Thanks to its strategic geographical location puts it in these places, it is a paradise for ornithologists.

The department of Quindío is one of the natural sites that counts Colombia for the birding, study and photography. There were 543 and 28 endemic or almost endemic.

Birdwatching Zones

In these areas you can see the birding because they have an extension of forests, rivers, streams and great diversity of flora that facilitates the shelter of several species of birds; Reservations El Mirador and El Jardín in Genova; the nature reserve de Bremen between Circasia and Filandia the nature reserve El Ocaso en Quimbaya; el Valle de Cócora, The nature reserve La Patasola and las Veredas Palestina and El Agrado en Salento; and some sectors of the river La Vieja as the Valle de Maravelez, Puerto Alejandría and Piedras de moler.

Momotus momota o Barranquero Quindío
Imagen: Barranquero bird representative of Quindío (Momotus momota)
The flagship of the Quindío es el Momotus momota, better known as Barranquero.

Among the birds that can be seen are:

Rupicola peruviana o Gallito de Roca aves quindío
Imagen: Gallito de Roca (Rupicola peruvianus)
Toche enjalmado o Ramphocelus flammigerus aves Quindío
Imagen: Toche enjalmado (Ramphocelus flammigerus)
Pava Caucana Penelope perspicax avistamiento aves Quindío
Imagen: Pava Caucana (Penelope perspicax)
Perdiz Colorada o Odontophorus hyperythrus aves endémicas Quindío
Imagen: Perdiz Colorada (Odontophorus hyperythrus)
 Loro Orejiamarillo o Ognorhynchus icterotis Quindío
Imagen: Loro Orejiamarillo (Ognorhynchus icterotis)
Tangaras aves Quindío
Imagen: Tangaras (Tangara gyrola, Tangara vitriolina)
Cóndor de los Andes Vultur gryphus Avistamiento aves Salento Quindío 
Imagen: Cóndor de los Andes (Vultur gryphus) o Mensajero del sol.

At Valle del Cocora you can again see the presence of the Cóndor de los Andes (Vultur gryphus) or mensajero del sol, come back after 50 years and has made a presence in the Cocora, en Salento.

Recommendations and measures necessary for the birdwatching

Wear light clothing and colors of nature, powerful cameras and binoculars, make no noise and go in small groups, do not hunt, or cage birds, do not alter their habitat and do not leave trash.

junio 11, 2018Comments OffAdventure Travel | Birdwatching | Ecotourism | Tourist Places

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