Interactive Tourist Map of Quindío and the Eje Cafetero of Colombia

Interactive Tourist Map of Quindío and the Eje Cafetero of Colombia

How to use the Interactive Tourist Map of Quindío and the Eje Cafetero of Colombia in

Location in the Quindío of the Finca Hotel La Moraleja

Locating the Finca Hotel La Moraleja on the interactive tourist map of Quindío

Click the menu section -> Near Me of the website, click on Tourist Map.

If you are in Quindío, enable the location on your cell phone or computer to have a better exploration experience on the map.

Tourist guide with location of places and tourist sites to visit

Enabling location on a smartphone to search for tourist attractions in Quindío


On this map you will find places to visit in Quindío near its location. If you are on a Fincas (Cabin), hotel or tourist site, this map will show you which attractions or sites are close to your location to visit.

Location of the Botanical Garden in Calarcá Quindío on the map of Quindío

Botanical Garden in Calarcá Quindío on the map of Quindío

Use the circle enlarging or reducing your coverage to know the proximity of the tourist site. If you are not in Quindío you can also use the map by selecting a tourist spot.

In the tourist map of Quindío you will find the location of the theme parks, the tourist Fincas ( Cabins ) near these amusement parks, hotels, nature parks and sites for bird watching.

Also on this tourist map of Quindío are located different places of interest such as museums, cultural centers, park or plazas, craft shops, clothing stores, nightclubs and coffee shops to enjoy a cup of coffee.

We know that the events are of interest for the Quindío tourist offer, that’s why we have a section of Fun Events and Cultural Events, we publish the events that we know that will make your stay in Quindío a place of fun and learning of the coffee culture .

The Quindio has many beautiful places to visit that can be enjoyed as a family and we know that there are many places that you should know and that we have not yet published, but with your help we will make it visible on our map; for this reason we encourage you to join or which is an abbreviated name for easy registration and entry to the site, please note that registration is free as well as the publication of your site or tourist site, let’s join!

junio 9, 2017Comments OffTourist Map | Travel Guide

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